We talk about being intentional in our goal-setting, but it’s just as important to be intentional about the things we need to let go of. As g2Coach Melanie Foote-Davis says, “It’s difficult to strut when you’re energetically carrying the weight of your past.” 

Whatever held you back from walking in your brilliance in 2021—it’s time to let it go. The inner negative voices and chatter. The old habits and mindsets. Outdated perceptions of ourselves. Other people’s expectations about what we “should” be doing. Mistakes. Toxic people and relationships. 

You aren’t going to need any of that in 2022.

Whatever is holding you back from being your truest self and from realizing the life you deserve—release it. And release it intentionally. We write down our goals, the things we want, and the things we need to do. It’s just as essential to write down the things we don’t want and that no longer serve us.

In this week’s Brown Liquor and Bonnets event, Mel led the g2Coach community through a powerful year-end Release Ceremony. If you missed it, you can still hold your own ceremony. Here’s how:

Gather your supplies. Hydration, tissues, loose paper, pen or pencil, a notebook or journal.

Clear your mind. Take a few minutes to meditate and relax. Release any negative thoughts and feelings. 

Ground yourself. You can sit or stand—whichever is more comfortable for you—but be aware of your feet firmly on the ground. Set your intention to let go.

Write down what is holding you back. You can be as detailed as you want, but put it down on paper. Naming it is the first step to releasing it. You may feel sadness or regret. Letting go isn’t always easy, so allow yourself to feel any emotions that come up. 

Say a blessing. Let things go with positivity, not negativity. If you’re releasing a relationship, wish that person well. Acknowledge lessons learned and insights gained. Offer thanks for what has made you the person you are today. 

Take a deep breath and let it go. You can burn your paper if you have a fireplace, firepit, or a burn-friendly bowl or receptacle. (Be sure to have water nearby for safety.) It’s also effective to simply tear up your paper and throw it away. Visualize the smoke or air taking away what you are releasing.

Invite in the new. In a notebook or journal, write down the things you want in 2022. Affirm your intentions. Sit with your soul and then think big and be bold. 

By releasing what you need to leave behind, you open up space in your life for infinite possibilities. You clear the path ahead to walk in your brilliance. I’ll see you in the new year!